Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lead a happier and healthier lifestyle with the ancient discipline of yoga. Through body movements and breath work you will be exercising and also reaching a peaceful state of mind. You can book one on one session with a tutor or join a class and learn this way, find out more today.

Yoga is an ancient Indian discipline which many use as a healthy exercise which has huge benefits for physical, mental and spiritual states. It can help anyone to feel happier, calmer, fitter and overall much more at peace with themselves and the world around them. There are various yoga traditions found in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism but it can be done by anyone and in modern society it is very popular in both Western and Eastern cultures. It was first brought to the west by Hindu monks in the late 19th century and since then it has grown rapidly in popularity.

Learn a Discipline With Private One To One Yoga Classes

Many people practice yoga exercises by themselves as a therapeutic tool and a way of staying in shape, and there are also yoga classes which people attend so that they can learn different yoga exercises from an expert and some people prefer to do yoga in a group environment. If you are just getting started with yoga then these classes are a great way to get started and there are classes for different abilities so you should be able to find a beginners class fairly easily and then go from there.

However some people may find this a bit intimidating or they would just rather have a one to one class at first so that they can learn the ropes, and this is possible too. private one to one yoga classes are fairly common and they also have a few advantages over group sessions. These one to one sessions can take place either in your own home or at a yoga studio, and the teacher can teach you everything that you need to know including the origins of yoga and the basic skills and exercises to get you going.

These one to one yoga teachers can also personalise your yoga exercise plan to fit with any goals that you have, and these goals could be for your physical well being or a spiritual goal such as reducing anxiety and increasing your happiness. You may want to get in touch with your yoga teacher before your first session to discuss these goals, however.

Whether you are taking one to one yoga classes, group sessions or doing it by yourself at home you will soon notice the huge benefits that this brings to your everyday life in terms of physical, mental and spiritual states. The body movements along with breath work will help you achieve a calm and peaceful state, and the movements and stretches are also a great form of exercise and will help you to keep in shape. With so many benefits you can see why it is such a popular discipline all around the world and why so many men and women practise it. Take the first step towards a happier and healthier lifestyle by getting in touch with yoga teachers today and book yourself a one to one session or find out about some classes.
While most people seem to be interested only in how to lose weight and drop extra kilos, there are others who want to put on a little bit of weight and gain some kilos.

Unfortunately, most such people fall prey to unnecessary supplements and unhealthy junk food to put on weight, before checking out healthy natural foods for weight gain. If you want to gain weight, don't rely on high-calorie junk foods that aren't nutritious. Choose foods that are nutrient-dense and energy-dense whenever possible. We give you 25 natural foods that will help you gain weight - the healthy way.

Fast Weight Gain Tips

1. Salmon

Take in two portions of salmon every day, this will ensure proper protein collection and help increase weight.

2. Baked acorn squash

This seasonal vegetable is loaded with antioxidants and fiber, bake it with a touch of olive oil instead of the butter, this will make it more nutritious and healthy.

3. Peanut butter

Spread - soft, salty peanut butter on bread. It gives you approximately 192 calories plus it is extra high in protein.

4. Whole eggs

It is economical and loaded with protein, vitamins A,D, E and good cholesterol.

5. Granola

It is loaded with good-for-you nuts and oats. One bowl packs around 500 calories, which is healthy as well as yummy for breakfast.

6. Butter

Butter is linked with long term weight gain. Intake of butter should be in moderation, as regular consumption of butter is bad for your heart.

7. Bagels

Bagels are extra calorie dense and a good source of complex carbohydrates.

8. Tuna

The vital fatty acids in tuna contain a host of healthy fats, which not only aid in weight gain but also help in maintaining physical well-being.

9. Corn bread

Corn bread is full of carbohydrates, and it is a tasty partner to your favorite curries and and soups. One piece includes approximately 328 calories.

10. Cheese

One serving of cheddar cheese packs a good 69 calories.

Cheese is concentrated milk, so it is high in protein and calcium, fat, cholesterol and cheese calories.

11. Fruit juice

A healthy and nutritious way to gain some pounds, sip 100-percent fruit juice that's full of sugar and added nutrients.

12. Pasta

Pasta is a calorie rich supply of cereal carbohydrates so it can serve as the base of a healthy and high calorie meal.

13. Shrimp

The nutrients and necessary acid content present in shrimp seals up your body with healthy calories.

14. Whole wheat bread

You can eat healthy and pack on pounds at the same time by eating whole wheat bread which accounts for approximately 69 calories.

15. Dried fruits

You can gain quick calories by eating dried fruits instead of fresh fruits because they have more calories and are still very nutritious.

16. Oatmeal

A bowl of oatmeal is the perfect nutritious breakfast. It is high in fiber, and it also provides the body with vital nutrients.

17. Yoghurt

The healthy fruit-flavored, fatless yogurt can give you as much as 118 calories. Include it in your daily diet for quick weight gain.

18. Healthy fats and oils

Adding extra fat to your food is an easy way to add calories, choose olive oil, canola oil, etc. which is good for your health and will add those much needed calories too.

19. Brown rice

Brown rice is a source of dietary carbohydrates, and packed with healthy dose of fiber.

20. Bananas

One banana contains approximately 100 calories. Not only are bananas rich in carbs and nutritious, they're also great for workout fuel.

21. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds contain polyunsaturated fats that add healthy calories to your diet. Nuts like almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds are good for you and your health.

22. Beans

Beans are good protein substitutes for vegetarians, who want to share the benefits of animal proteins.

23. Chicken breast

Chicken breast, is supposed to be the healthiest and non-fat part which has approximately 78 calories for each serving.

24. Potatoes

Potatoes are rich sources of carbohydrates and complex sugars. Consume as grilled or baked potatoes for quick weight gain.

25. Soybeans

A healthy, high calorie food is the nutty, delicious soybean. Not only are they rich in protein but are also a rich source of calcium, iron and several B-vitamins and fiber.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

If you are like many moms, your day never seems to be over. When your stress levels are climbing and you just can't seem to catch a break, try turning to a few calming exercise videos. Exercise gets your blood pumping and puts your muscles to good use, allowing your body and mind to focus on something other than the stressful situations that are getting you down.

Yoga is ideal for exercising at home because it requires little to no specialized equipment, there are plenty of online exercise videos with dozens of different moves to try, and can be done in almost any room. The beauty of yoga routines is that they can be as long or as short as you need them to be, and many exercise videos feature combinations of moves that work specific areas of the body which is something many women appreciate. By combining any of the following moves you can easily devise your own home yoga workouts! Simply select a move / pose, hold it for about 10 seconds, and release. You can then begin your next move or end your workout, it's entirely up to you!

Five yoga poses to help reduce a mom's stress
1) The Arms Overhead Position - Sit or kneel on the floor. Next, slowly lift your arms over your head and lace your fingers together once your arms are fully extended. For maximum benefit, try to keep your spine as straight as possible.

2) The Arms in Front Position - Similar to the Arms Overhead position, make sure that you are seated or kneeling with your arms fully extended and your fingers laced together. Instead of having your arms extended above your head however, in this position you should lean forward, gently rounding your spine. You should feel the muscles between your shoulder blades working with this one!

3) The Reclining Cobbler Position - Find a small cushion or roll up a throw blanket for use with this position. Lay back with your cushion / blanket positioned vertically, supporting your head and shoulders. Put your feet together with the soles touching and try to touch the floor with your knees.

4) The Child's Position - Kneel down and rest with your bottom against your heels. Slowly lean forward until your forearms are resting on the floor. Elongate your neck, take a deep breath, and exhale. You can use your cushion / blanket roll to support your upper body during this exercise if needed.

5) The Supported Bridge Position - Place your cushion / blanket on the floor and lay down on top of it with it supporting your hips. Arch your back gently, feeling the muscles in your hips and abdomen engage. Hold this position as long as you can, and then relax.
You have probably heard of it in your social clique and fitness freaks are raving about it, but what is hot yoga anyway, and most importantly, why is it any different than the regular hatha yoga?
The brainchild of Bikram Choudhury, hot yoga also known as Bikram yoga is an improvisation on the traditional yoga form. The difference however lies in the condition in which it is practiced. As the name suggests hot yoga is mainly done in an extremely warm studio with temperature set around 105 degree Fahrenheit and the humidity too is raised.

According to Choudhury, hot yoga has deeper effects as the change in temperature creates pressure, which in turn increases circulation in the body and stimulates every joint and muscle. Additionally, this also pushes the participants to put in more effort thus doubling the weight loss result as compared to traditional form.

How effective is hot yoga?
Scientifically what happens is that the environment creates a compression-extension effect on the body by working on one or two areas at a time. Suppose a particular asana is aimed at reducing belly fat, during hot yoga the same asana will have double the effect as the pressure in the room will cut off the blood supply in the veins and arteries around the stomach region, thus forcing the heart to pump more blood to the area and leading to a rush in the supply of blood to these regions.

This technique works in two ways- one by eliminating the toxins and two by getting the heart rate up.

Traditionally not a lot of people consider yoga as an effective weight loss technique that would provide relatively faster results. Yoga does indeed help in losing weight but it takes quite some time. This improvisation has packed on the cardio benefit by escalating the heart rate throughout the session. The dual effect of cardio and proper stretching of the muscles and joints helps to both lose weight and strengthen muscles while increasing flexibility.

If you have signed up for hot yoga for weight loss be prepared to sweat buckets. Obviously the high level of temperature and humidity will make you sweat twice as you would have while doing regular yoga. Consider hot yoga as coupling a sauna session with a holistic and thorough body workout.

What to expect?
In totality hot yoga comprises of 26 different asana that ensure a complete body workout and the spike in heart rate gives the benefit of cardio. Keep in mind that even though the temperature varies from one studio to another, it is going to extremely hot in any case. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or uneasy, speak to your instructor and go to a relatively cooler place.

It is normal for people to feel nauseous and tired during and after the session. If you are not in the habit of working out regularly, subjecting your body to a moderate to high-powered hot yoga will induce nausea. In fact even the regular practitioners sometime feel drained- just remember to hydrate your body often to replenish the water lost through sweat. And yes the adequate amount of water for your body is not the amount that you drink whenever you are thirsty, do not keep thirst as an indication of your body's hydration level. Thirst in reality is the last straw, when your body's requirement for water is at its most; that is when you feel thirsty. If you are going to be practicing hot yoga often, keep drinking a glass of water every hour.

What to keep in mind?
Some nutritionists suggest adding a teaspoon of sugar and one-fourth teaspoon of salt to a bottle of water and drinking this mixture throughout the session. Nausea is also a symptom of salt depletion from the body and having this mixture will both energize you for longer workouts and curb the feeling of nausea.

Wear lightweight, breathable fabric that doesn't cling to your body and weighs down on being drenched with sweat. Some people prefer wearing swimsuits during the session, but it is entirely an individual choice.

If you are wondering about the kind of diet to follow along with hot yoga, the ideal suggestion is to eat everything in moderation. However, before the class eat a filling (not heavy) meal at least three hours before the session and avoid dairy products. A lot of people have reported feeling nauseous during workout if they have had dairy products prior to the session. A peanut butter sandwich is the best option as peanut butter contains carbohydrate and helps you to work out better.

You would feel immensely tired and drained after a thorough hot yoga session. Plus for the first couple of days you are bound to get muscle ache; just run a bath and add some Epsom salt as it helps to relax the muscles and heal the ache. And do not forget to hydrate your body after the session as well.

It is best to do hot yoga under the vigilance and guidance of a certified Bikram yoga trainer so that you get optimum benefits. Remember hot yoga is not just about the temperature or the poses.

My name is Mulyadi Kurnia. I am a practitioner of meditation and yoga and has been experiencing the benefits of the practices. Having gone through the periods of stress and anxiety myself, I know first hand of how unpleasant this experience could be. Through this article, I intend to share my knowledge and experience on stress-related and wellness topics.
Hair loss, medically referred to as alopecia, is a sensitive subject, and it affects sufferers on an emotional level as well, whether they are male or female, young or old, or receiving medical treatment that causes them to sustain hair loss. It is increasingly the case that a person's self-esteem is linked to their physical appearance. So, what can cause baldness or excessive hair thinning, and what treatment options are available?
Learn the Causes and Ways to Combat Hair Loss or Baldness
What are the causes? The majority of hair loss occurs in men and this is predominantly (around 95%) male pattern baldness. This condition is very common and is largely determined by the genetic attributes parents pass on to their offspring. Baldness occurring in women due to genetic heredity is far rarer, but is more likely at very advanced ages. Other causes of baldness include hormonal imbalances, which either occurs naturally in the body or are brought about by certain medications that alter the levels of different hormones. Radiation or chemo therapy often results in dramatic hair loss because of growing hairs being exposed to radiation during an active phase. Traumatic experiences can also induce severe hair thinning or baldness as can excessive degrees of stress (this is due to a chemical released by the body when under stress). Excluding cases where it is medically induced, most male baldness originates genetically, because female baldness tends to be a symptom of medical issues involving hormone fluctuations or imbalances. What treatments are available for baldness and related conditions? Treatments for baldness very much depend on its causes; there are many to consider. Drugs have been developed and certified by various medical bodies; however, the majority of baldness cases are treated with products that are applied directly to the affected area in some way. If the scalp is cared for and nourished with moisturizing substances, it provides an environment that promotes hair strength and growth. Another potential way to prevent or control hair loss is to reduce the degree of stress we experience regularly. Whilst stress may be felt, it actually produces physical responses including higher heart rate, increased blood pressure and the release of hormones that can affect hair growth. Therefore, reducing stress levels reduces the possibility of further hair loss. Other treatments include costly hair transplants (a surgical option) or supplements containing substances such as serenosa repens, which maintains overall hair health and inhibits a hormone associated with causing a reduction in hair follicles. Certainly, there is much pressure to conform to current ideas of beauty and attractiveness. A condition involving loss of hair can have harmful effects upon a person's state of mind and self-image, particularly for women, as hair is linked more to their identity and feelings of attractiveness than it is in men. Thus, it is entirely understandable that sufferers of premature baldness or alopecia should wish hair loss regrowth. Search online to discover more about conditions that cause baldness and hair loss, as well as finding available options for hair loss regrowth. The more knowledgeable you get on the issue, the better you would be able to fight it.
It is generally well known that we lose bone mass as we age, a phenomena that affects women more than men and that far too often results in bones that are weak and prone to break, especially in the hips, wrists and shoulders. Unfortunately, although in many cases surgical procedures now produce excellent results (we have a number of clients that have returned to running after hip replacements), too many people don´t fully recover from the stress of the operation and never regain the quality of life that they previously enjoyed. In the worst cases, this leads to a sometimes rapid decline in general health and an untimely death.
Strength Training - Why Do It and How to Start
It is widely accepted that weight-bearing exercise helps to slow bone loss and may even in some cases be able to reverse it, which is why "cardio" exercise such as walking and running (in moderation) can be very beneficial. However, when it comes to targeting the bones of the shoulders and arms, strength training is essential. Such exercises can also enhance the benefits of the weight-bearing cardio activity on other joints, probably because the effect of the tendons pulling on the bones stimulates bone repair or growth. Equipment such as free weights, machines, resistance bands and medicine balls can all play a part in making strength training fun (or at least more fun!). However, you don´t have to invest in equipment or join a gym to do strength training. Body weight can also provide an effective training medium. If dedicating time to strength training really doesn´t appeal, adding a few press ups (or push ups for our American readers!) to your daily routine is a great place to start. When that becomes a habit, you can look at adding more exercises and developing your programme. How do you start doing press ups when you can´t even do one?! Simple, do five! In my experience, it is best to avoid doing press ups on your knees, as very few people ever progress from there to the full exercise and therefore never reap all of the benefits of this "whole body" exercise. Instead, try this: Adopt the standard press up position - Lie with the body raised off the floor, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, arms extended and body straight. Keeping the body straight, bend the elbows and lower the shoulders and hips towards the floor - only go as low as you can to be sure that you are going to be able to do five repetitions. If that means that you only flex the elbows one inch, great! Do five "1-inch press-ups" every time you get the chance. With this approach, you will find that you quickly progress to making the final press up two inches, then three, then four and so on until you can do five full press ups. After that, keep adding repetitions until you can do twenty. You will be surprised how quickly you will progress with just a little bit of effort. A few words on correct form: Before starting the exercises, "activate the core" by lifting the chest, drawing in the stomach slightly and tightening the muscles of the butt (the "glutes"). When the arms are in the fully extended position, the shoulder blades should be "open". As you lower the body towards the ground, you should feel the shoulder blades move together. Hold the head level. Fix the gaze slightly forward and actively engage the neck muscles to keep the head from dropping. Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up.
"Aerobics" is a term first coined by Dr. Kenneth Cooper, an exercise physiologist for the San Antonio Air Force Hospital. He developed the formula of subtracting your age from 220 and exercising with the heart rate at 60-80% of that number. Though he originally formulated "aerobics" to help astronauts, he soon realized that this type of exercise was useful for everyone. The benefits Dr. Cooper observed included weight loss and better heart health.
Aerobic Exercise: Benefits, Examples and How to Tell If You're REALLY Exercising Aerobically
Since then studies have demonstrated more benefits of regular aerobic exercise, including: - Weight loss & maintaining weight (aerobic exercise burns fat!) - More long-term, consistent energy & stamina - Improved mood - Pain relief (by natural endorphin production) - Stronger heart & better circulation (keeps arteries clear and helps prevent heart disease) - Better blood sugar control & adrenal health - Lower blood pressure - Stronger bones (weight bearing aerobic exercise helps prevent osteoporosis) - Stronger immune system - Longer life expectancy If you're suffering from poor energy, if your endurance is not what it once was, if you are prone to aches and pains, if you have too much body fat or too much stress, or if you crave sugar or carbs, chances are you're getting too much anaerobic exercise and not enough aerobic! Almost all muscles in the human body can generate energy using either aerobic or anaerobic means. There are two basic criteria that set aerobic exercise apart from anaerobic: intensity and time. To exercise aerobically, your body must be at a very specific level of intensity, and you must maintain that level of intensity for at least thirty minutes at a time. If your heart rate is too low or too high (or variable), your exercise will become anaerobic instead. In anaerobic exercise, the body burns sugar (glucose) for energy. As the name "anaerobic" suggests, oxygen is not required for this type of energy production. Burning sugar is useful for providing short term speed and power. Muscles cannot burn sugar for long, though, and so they fatigue quickly. Most people have no shortage of anaerobic exercise - even when you're sitting, your body is doing some tasks anaerobically. Plus virtually all sports are anaerobic in nature due to their alternating bursts of high intensity (anaerobic) exercise and rest. During true aerobic exercise, the body burns fat for energy. Converting fat into energy requires oxygen, hence the name "aerobic." Aerobic exercise is useful for providing muscle endurance (energy for hours or days at a time without fatigue). This is particularly important for muscles that support posture, joints, and arches of the feet. If there is not enough aerobic exercise for these types of muscles, the chances of joint problems, injuries, and low stamina go up. Internationally recognized researcher and author Dr. Phil Maffetone has greatly changed our understanding of aerobic exercise and endurance training. Dr. Maffetone studied many athletes pre- and post-workout for many indicators, including heart rate, gait, and muscle imbalance. He found that the athletes who used Dr. Cooper's original formula often wound up over-training and suffered from injuries, distortions in body mechanics and posture, pain, and joint problems. After much work, Dr. Maffetone developed a new and improved formula for calculating each individual's target heart rate for true aerobic exercise. There are just four simple steps to proper aerobic exercise and all its benefits: 1. Invest in a heart rate monitor. It's just not a good idea to rely on the "feel" of a workout or to guess at whether your heart rate is too low or too high. There are many brands and models to choose from. Polar ™ is an industry leader and is usually a safe bet. I recommend purchasing a model that has a chest strap as well as a wrist watch/display. If you work out in a gym rather than outdoors, invest in a model that is coded so that there is no electrical signal interference from other devices in the gym. 2. Calculate your maximum aerobic heart rate using Dr. Maffetone's formula. Simply subtract your age from 180. For example, a 32 year old who wants to exercise aerobically would have a maximum heart rate of 148 beats per minute. Modifiers and exceptions to this formula include: - Subtract another 10 from the max heart rate if: recovering from major illness or surgery, or if on any regular medications - Subtract another 5 from the max heart rate if: injured, have regressed in training or competition, suffer from more than two bouts of cold/flu per hear, have allergies or asthma, just starting to train, or if you've been training inconsistently (Dr. Maffetone defined consistency as at least 4 times per week for 2 years) - Add 5 to the max heart rate if: training consistently for more than 2 years without any injuries or problems and have made progress in competition - Add 10 to the max heart rate if: over the age of 65 - This formula does not apply to athletes 16 years old or younger. Best bet for these athletes is 165 as the max heart rate. - If in doubt, choose the lower maximum heart rate. 3. Calculate your minimum aerobic heart rate. Simply subtract 10 points from the maximum aerobic heart rate. So our healthy 32 year old example would have a max of 148 and a minimum of 138. 4. Walk, jog, bike or swim while wearing your heart rate monitor. Stay within your aerobic heart rate zone for at least 30 minutes at a time, and do this at least three times per week. I don't advise exceeding 90 minutes without a doctor's supervision. You'll find it's surprisingly easy to exercise aerobically. It doesn't take much to get your heart rate up to the target zone. That's good news for couch potatoes (talk about exercising smarter, not harder!), but sometimes frustrating for athletes who don't want to slow down their training. Athletes need to do this, however to protect their bodies. The good news for athletes here is that, as your heart becomes more aerobically fit, you'll soon be able to quicken the pace without surpassing your maximum aerobic heart rate. Once you start wearing a heart rate monitor, you'll likely also discover that any activity other than running, walking, cycling, or swimming at a steady pace is anaerobic. As a chiropractor and acupuncturist, I've noticed substantial benefits for both myself and my patients who invest a little bit of time each week to exercise aerobically. The immediate and long-term benefits are well worth the effort!