Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hair loss, medically referred to as alopecia, is a sensitive subject, and it affects sufferers on an emotional level as well, whether they are male or female, young or old, or receiving medical treatment that causes them to sustain hair loss. It is increasingly the case that a person's self-esteem is linked to their physical appearance. So, what can cause baldness or excessive hair thinning, and what treatment options are available?
Learn the Causes and Ways to Combat Hair Loss or Baldness
What are the causes? The majority of hair loss occurs in men and this is predominantly (around 95%) male pattern baldness. This condition is very common and is largely determined by the genetic attributes parents pass on to their offspring. Baldness occurring in women due to genetic heredity is far rarer, but is more likely at very advanced ages. Other causes of baldness include hormonal imbalances, which either occurs naturally in the body or are brought about by certain medications that alter the levels of different hormones. Radiation or chemo therapy often results in dramatic hair loss because of growing hairs being exposed to radiation during an active phase. Traumatic experiences can also induce severe hair thinning or baldness as can excessive degrees of stress (this is due to a chemical released by the body when under stress). Excluding cases where it is medically induced, most male baldness originates genetically, because female baldness tends to be a symptom of medical issues involving hormone fluctuations or imbalances. What treatments are available for baldness and related conditions? Treatments for baldness very much depend on its causes; there are many to consider. Drugs have been developed and certified by various medical bodies; however, the majority of baldness cases are treated with products that are applied directly to the affected area in some way. If the scalp is cared for and nourished with moisturizing substances, it provides an environment that promotes hair strength and growth. Another potential way to prevent or control hair loss is to reduce the degree of stress we experience regularly. Whilst stress may be felt, it actually produces physical responses including higher heart rate, increased blood pressure and the release of hormones that can affect hair growth. Therefore, reducing stress levels reduces the possibility of further hair loss. Other treatments include costly hair transplants (a surgical option) or supplements containing substances such as serenosa repens, which maintains overall hair health and inhibits a hormone associated with causing a reduction in hair follicles. Certainly, there is much pressure to conform to current ideas of beauty and attractiveness. A condition involving loss of hair can have harmful effects upon a person's state of mind and self-image, particularly for women, as hair is linked more to their identity and feelings of attractiveness than it is in men. Thus, it is entirely understandable that sufferers of premature baldness or alopecia should wish hair loss regrowth. Search online to discover more about conditions that cause baldness and hair loss, as well as finding available options for hair loss regrowth. The more knowledgeable you get on the issue, the better you would be able to fight it.


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